
10 November, 2011


Selamat petang... dikala merayau2 di 'yahoo' aku tertangkap dengan artikel2 kecil yang selalu muncul bila kita sibuk2 nak check2 email tu. Tajuk yang 'catchy' tu memang betul2 memerangkap aku tuk share benda ni kat blog.Ini kisah omputeh yang kadang2 aku rasa mereka lebih sweet & romantik dari orang2 kita. Mesti ramai yang melenting, tapi selama2 pemerhatian aku memang begitu. Pengalaman ke GoldCoast, Oz pun tetap memberi tanggapan yang sama. Mereka lebih prihatin & gentleman berbanding orang kita. Nanti lah aku cerita lebih lanjut perangai2 mereka berbanding orang kita bila ada masa nak buat entry pasal beza attitude mereka & kita.

Berkaitan dengan artikel kat bawah ni ... mesti korang pernah terlibat ataupun terdengar situasi dimana pasangan kita hanya tahu komplen..bla bla bla bla bla ....mengungkit.....suruh itu suruh ini ...ada je yang tak kena even tuk kebaikan kepada yang dikomplen atau pun kepuasan hati yang tukang komplen itu sendiri. Ada saja yang tak kena, suruh ubah tapi....nama nak bagi semangat punya payah....apatah lagi imbuhan tuk pasangan atas perubahan yang bakal atau telah mereka lakukan.

Tak mahu membebel panjang2 la...Apapun selamat membaca rencana ringan2 kala2 petang ni sambil2 minum nescafe tarik k.

sumber : yahoo link

"When Fulton, New York resident Jay Wornick set out to lose some weight at the urging of his wife, he didn't have high hopes. Weighing in at more than 360 pounds this past January, Wornick thought, at best, he'd lose 20 or 30 pounds and then put it back on. But that wasn't the case. Not by a long shot.
Now, a little more than 10 months later, Wornick has lost close to 200 pounds. He weighs just 168 pounds and is still adjusting to his new life as a slender man. According to a buzzy blog from, Wornick still can't help but examine booths in restaurants to see if he'll be able to fit in them, even though he now can easily shift into the open space with room to spare. He's also surprised when somebody accidentally jostles him in a crowd--a far more routine occurrence when he was carrying all that extra weight on his frame.
So how did he shed so much weight? It all started with a bet in the form of a New Years resolution. Wornick's wife, Angela, challenged him to see who could lose the highest percentage of body weight. The loser would have the winner's name tattooed on his or her stomach. Those big stakes inspired Jay to cut back on eating big steaks. He ate less meat, switched to water instead of soda, and began working out.
At the end of the first month, he'd lost 40 pounds. Inspired, he kept at it, and the weight kept coming off. It's worth noting that Jay was able to do this without a personal trainer, though he did have a lot of help from his local YMCA, which he called "a huge support system." He also consulted the Web for diet tips and found quite a few from Dr. Oz. Jay will make an appearance on the doctor's show in next few weeks.
To make good on her side of the wager, Angela plans to have Jay's name tattooed on her back sometime in the coming weeks. Jay also plans to get a tattoo--now that he's so much slenderer, his wedding ring doesn't fit his ring finger--so he plans to replace it with a ring-shaped tattoo."

Sweet kan mereka....dan part yang paling sweet adalah..."Jay also plans to get a tattoo--now that he's so much slenderer, his wedding ring doesn't fit his ring finger--so he plans to replace it with a ring-shaped tattoo" sebab yang bini harus la tunaikan janji dia, tapi si suami dia pun nak buat juga tu...


aaa...ada la nak sound tu.. cara barat bertatu2 ni la ko suka ye jah!!.. no no...
jangan la pulak korang nak bertatu gak macam mereka..banyak lagi benda lain yang baik2 boleh dibuat sebagai ganjaran. Cincin emas ke sijil simpanan premium ke...(mata duitan sajo la ko jah oi!!). Bukan apa sesak2 boleh juga cairkan balik...:-) hahahalasan konon2 baikhati.

nota kaki minum petang: Ada orang tu kan janji akan belikan jeans cantik 2even semahal mana pun ( budget kaya la tuh)...tapi yang wat aku parah sizenya mesti 26!!!!....entah bile la pinggang aku ni nak mengecut sebegitu kecik yer oiiiii!!!

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